Sunday, October 18, 2009

KenaNgaN TeRinDah.....PerNikaHaN (Part 1)

Hubby to be

Wife to be

Ijab qabul


The newly wed.....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HaNd BoUquet

This flower arragement give inspiration for my solemnization hand bouquet

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

KoNon-KonOn MoDeL...HEHEHE


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Another Perfect Shoes???

Hehehehehehe, today aku ngan housemateku telah pergi window shopping kt one shopping mall di Penang nih. Accidentally, aku telah terjatuh hati dgn sepasang bridal shoe yg ctk pd mataku.... akhirnya aku beli jugak kasut tu....... (ish,ish,ish.......) I'm addicted to bad. suka sgt shoppg kasut, dh byk kasut pun masih nk bli gak lg.....but this one special. Might consider it for my akad nikah.

Friday, July 31, 2009


I purchase some make-up at STAGE, queensbay mall worth RM200++ and that entitled me for free make-up, hair do and 1 photo shoot session. Well, apalagi.........., lagipn dh lm aku tk ker salun rmbt.....dpt wat free hair do k gak.

Wedding Shoes & Wedding Invitation Card..........

Well, my preparation is almost complete. Aku dh jumpa perfect shoes for akad nikah & majlis resepsi. Invitation card dah dicetak (so lovely...very rich n elegant. the design is from Indonesia). Door gift pn dh siap bli. All in gold+brown theme. Hantaran is on the way......actually brgn hantaran aku (bekas+hiasan/lapik dulang/item hntrn) dah lengkap pn. I'm willing to travel down to Malacca, KL and even to our neighbour state Kedah (Alor Star) just to find a perfect item. Tinggal nk diserah pd pihak lelaki jer...hehehehehe. Tempahan dewan, pelamin, katerer semua dh settle. Last Sunday I brought my mum and my best fren for food tasting. Yummy!! Marvelous!!

I have my own wedding portfolio, portfolio yg aku dh buat pada 2 tahun lalu.... just to make sure I can have perfect wedding one day....and finally the time is almost there. So, I work closely with my portfolio.....its cover everytg from a-z and evrytg runs in order..smoothly. (dulu masa kecil, aku berangan nk jd wedding planner...I think i have talent in event management...ahaks!!)

My sister said she will follow my step...she now just started her wedding porfolio eventhough she said she will only get married when she's 29 (now she's 25). Semoga Allah merestui semuanya. Amin.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

a NeW pHase in LiFe.......

Last Saturday (25/July/09) was my engagement day with the man i choose to be my life partner. Syukur, everything goes well that day. May Allah bless our journey ahead. Amin. I was so excited wearing my design that day. The materials used is silk and lace which I bought from Harisons KL.

Thanks to family, my paksu family, my best fren(she was an OP that day..hehehehhe), and of course my beloved one. I LUV U ALL.

Monday, June 8, 2009

SleePing BeauTy.....

it's really important to get enough sleep...but this few days i dont sleep well.... otak aku berfungsi jer waktu mlm sampai nak lelap pn susah. Well the big event my department organized just around the corner. And as secretariat, the task bring so much headache. ;-)

Anyway, i remind myself that i have to get good quality sleep to gain energy for the big day!!

Bercakap tentang tidur ni...aku baru-baru nih terjumpa satu website yang menceritakan tentang stail tidur manusia yg ada 6 posisi. Interesting...coz the sleeping position also reveal person personality...

Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax. This is the most common sleeping position, adopted by 41% of the 1,000 people who took part in the survey. More than twice as many women as men tend to adopt this position.

Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These sleepers are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers. However, they may be gullible.

People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have taken a decision, they are unlikely ever to change it.

Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss, but set themselves and others high standards.

Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side. Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations.

Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention.

Monday, June 1, 2009

UsAh JeMu MenGenaLi

kita berbeza pada pendapat
lantaran fikiran kita
datang dari 2 akal yang lain
tapi itu bukan alasan
untuk mengatakan kita tak sehaluan
kerna pada nyatanya
kita punya cita-cita yang sama
cita-cita untuk hidup bersama.

suara kita akan bertelagah
lantaran naluri hatiku & hatimu
masing-masing punya kata sendiri
tapi itu bukan alasan
untuk mengatakan kita tak sefahaman
kerna pada nyatanya
dua hati kita punya 1 cinta
cinta anugerah tak ternilai.

Maka seharusnya
jgn sesekali kita saling berpaling
mghancurkan sgl cita-cita
dan mematikn rasa cinta kita
jgn juga sesekali kita ucapkn
bahwa kita bosan dgn hubungan
hanya kerna kia merasakan
fikiran kita tak sehaluan
atau suara kita tak sefahaman.

Maka seharusnya
engkau lelaki yg kukasihi
dan aku wanita yg kau cintai
usah saling jemu mengenali
kerna pada nyatanya
perbezaan itulah
yg melengkapkn kita berdua!!!

Nukilan; Arzimar - Tanggal 31/Jun/2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tempat2 kesukaan (Part 1)

BeSt PlaCeS in Penang.... (Part1)

Kali ini aku nk share bbrp tempat menarik di Penang yg aku suka sgt pergi. Tempat2 nih aku akan namakn kpd bbrp kategori.......

1) Best cafe to hang out:

pd aku Breeks adlh kafe terbest tuk hang out dgn member2. Interior yg ctk, menu yg menarik dn yg penting skali harga berbaloi. Muddy Choconya (mnmn coklat) mmg plg superb. Aku mmg suka coklat. Byk dh kafe/restoren aku pi & try mnmn coklat ttp smuanya xleh lwn Muddy Choco Breeks. Di Penang, Breeks ada di Queensbay Mall & di Gurney Plaza.

2) Jahitan terbaik n memuaskn:
aku mmg plg cerewet bab jhtn baju. Sbbnya aku pn leh menjahit bju. Cumanya semenjak aku dh kerja skrg plus mesin nenek aku pn dh rosak, aku kesuntukan masa nk jht baju sendr. Jd bl aku xde mood nk jht bju, aku antar ler ke kedai. Aku dh try bbrp tukang jht tp tukang jht nih plg best. Mr. Jazz nih ada butik dia sendr (Jazz Boutique, level 2, Summit Plaza, BM). Jhtn dia mmg sgt kemas. Dia mmg expert buat pkaian moden. So, x hairan la dia buka butik jhtn pengantin. Pelanggan utamanya mestilah org Melayu. Malah jhtn bju pengantin dia lbh baik dr tukang jht Melayu sendri. I'm not bias, but ini pujian tulus dr aku yg jg boleh menjht. Malah tuk wedding aku bln 10 nih pn aku minta dia jhtkan rekaan aku. Ape yg lbh pentg ialah, upah tempahan msh affordable......

K...cukuplh tuk entry topik nih...t aku sambg lg. To be continued......................

Friday, May 29, 2009

MoRniNg BoosTer!!!

Since aku brcuti ari nih, leh ler aku masuk jap lmn blog aku nih tuk share some infos tentg permulaan pg yg sihat.

Bfast is crucial for everyone, ramai yg suka mengabaikn srpn walhal mreka tahu kepentgn memulakan hr dgn keprluan bekalan tenaga yg secukupnya utk sepnjg hr.

Apa yg lbh pentg ialah bkln tng awal yg secukupnya, membantu memberikn mood yg lbh baik kpd kita. Otak kita akn brsedia tuk bkerja dgn lbh efisien lg. So, that's why children must not skip their bfast. K, ini cth menu sht tuk mulakan pg kita semua.................

Thursday, May 28, 2009

BrIdE To Be........

Esok aku apply 'time off' a.k.a cuti pampasan. Aku dh counting dgn mama (hehehe, mak aku bising panggil dia mama, dia geli dgr) nk pi pekan BM, nk pi amik baju kurung moden yg aku tmph kt butik kegemaran aku. Sambil tu aku nk hantar gak kain yg aku dh bli tuk wat baju pengantin aku.

Sayang dh antar pn kain dia, tp aku nih msh terhegeh-hegeh. Bknnyer ape, aku risau t kot2 aku x muat nk pakai bl tiba masanya. HEHEHE...kot bdn mkin naik. Mampus ler....Ahaks!!!

Dlm hati nih ade rasa debar mghitung hr...aku slalu kata kt adik aku, aku takut nk kawen n...responnye.... gatal la kakak aku nih!! Bengong!!!!

Sape la yg x ingin membina masjid. Itukn seruan agama. Prkahwinan itu pn 1 bentuk ibadah jk kita btul2 memahami konsepnya. Meramaikn umat Nabi Muhammad SAW di muka bumi ni.

Lama aku menunggu kedtgn cinta dr seorg lelaki, dn akhirnya Syg hadir dlm hidupku. Terima kasih Tuhan kerna Engkau mendengar doa di hati kecilku. Aku berdoa semoga dia adlh jodohku yg akn berkongsi intipati kehidupan dunia fana ini, meniti usia emas brsm dn sekiranya diizinkan Tuhan, aku ingin brsm lg dgnnya di alam sana, menjadi ketua bidadari syurga yg melayannya di sana. Insya-Allah.

Hmmm??? Design aper ye yg ctk tuk baju pengantin aku tu??? Harapnya bl dh siap t aku msh muat pkai di hr bersejarah. 4 months to go......4 months with so many wedding agenda to fulfill.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2 more days to go!!

WEDNESDAY...okay, today is the middle of working day. Most probably the workload is already decrease or maybe it's just the same as Monday....hectic day full with blues. I would luv to share some infos on how to decluttering work space. It works for me, well... i hope it will works for u guys too...

The key word is...CLeAr DeSk, CLeAr MinD

  • Keep ur desk as clear as possible. Keeping only what u are working with on it helps u to concerntrate on the task in hand

  • File papers away once u have finished working with them. Don't let them pile up on the floor

  • When papers arrive on ur desk, decide straighaway what to do with them; act on them now; file them for future use;or...... just keep them aside

  • Keep ur waste bin by ur desk and open ur post over it. Anything u don't need can go straight into the bin

What do u think guys???? Just try it and feel the difference atmosphere in ur workplace cubicle/room. Hey..1 more tips to add, hang ur best photos ........................(family/bestfren/boifren/girlfren/partner) on ur board or frame & put it on ur desk. Seeing their face is like..detoxification to your mood.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

AkU Jd BloGgeR....

Heh!! Mesti kawan-kawan aku yg dah lamer berblog nih gelakkan aku. Aku bukan anti-blog. Betul... hehehehe. Eleh, mcm ler meka tu aktif sgt berblog nih. Aku bknnyer ape...aku jenis yg tak suka org selongkar kisah aku. Pantang! Mmg pantang! sbb tu walaupn ada facebook, friendster, ym, msn massenger profile..dn yg lain2 sgl mcm yg lebih krg @ sewaktu dgnnya aku x layan sgt (lps nih aku akn rujuk benda2 tu semua sbg benda-alah k!) Aku pn bkn gak jenis secretive tp aku ada penyakit! Hehehe....Malas...dek kerna penyakit malas adap laptop...nak kena create profile ler..account ler...jwb itu...jwb ini...key-in itu...key-in ini...ishhh!!! MALLAAASS!!! 1 more thing, aku gerenti takkan peruntukkan masa nk update info @ layari benda-alah tu hari2. Baik aku pi shopping. Yuhoo!! shopping!! hehehehe.

Anyway, recently I think I should become blogger since I found it's quite interesting...hmmm.. cara interaktif aku leh berkarya...share information, berdrama...(ceh...konon jer).

Well.....I welcome myself to the blogger world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeaha....